at round 2-1 (the first pvp round of the game), there are 3 factors that determine your gameplan:
- the item components on your bench
- the units you have
- the augments you are presented with
in general, to make a comp succeed, you need to have an ideal setup for 2 out of 3 of these factors - anything less than that and I would consider it to be a hard force, which is a generally incorrect way to play and can build bad habits (but if you don’t really care about that you can probably hard force any comp to diamond or even masters if you’re good enough)
example: I have a bunch of sorcerer items i can slam immediately (shojin, nashors, etc), and not all the units I want, but I have a good sorcerer augment (sorc emblem) –> this means it’s probably a good enough spot to play sorcerers or any AP comp (assuming the comp doesn’t average 5.0+ placement)
for climbing out of masters in my experience, the rule is more like 2.5/3:
- items good, units good, augment ok
- augments good, units good, items ok
- augments good, items good, units ok
if you don’t have these criteria met you generally would need to loss streak to find more direction from the first carousel and krugs or your 3-2 augment (but imo if you have enough knowledge of all the comps in a set you generally can find something earlier than that)